Tuesday 29 November 2011

Tortilla chips from scratch

First you need to make tortillas. To make the dough add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of warm water to 2 cups of corn flour. Once the dough has the right consistency, take golf balls sized balls of dough and press them in between 2 heavy pans with wax paper to make sure the dough does not stick. You want to get the tortilla as this as possible. The fry each tortilla on frying pan for 30 seconds on each side.

Then heat up vegetable oil(you want to use something with a high smoke point like canola oil. olive oil will not work) to 375 degrees in a deep fryer/large pot. Add the tortillas cut into wedges or strips and deep fry for 35-50 seconds. Remove and immediately salt to your taste.

If you want to cut down on the cooking time, just buy tortillas from the store and deep fry.

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